This may be a rather inauspicious start, but it must begin somewhere. So, as Barry Manilow sang in his 1976 hit - Looks Like We Made It. Our early blog postings have been infrequent, but most certainly not indicative of our lack of interest in the topic. We will strive to share the many emails and articles we've received from around the state of Connecticut and even some from outside the borders of 'the Constitution State.' Our Trial Courts, Appellate Court, and Supreme Court have certainly become a profitable business empire for many members of the Connecticut Bar, but are they doing the job for the average citizen or serving their own self interest.
Hope you will find our content thoughtful and please remember, whether you agree or disagree with our perspective, we do encourage you to share you point of view as commentary to our posts. If, however, you step beyond the bounds of constructive debate, please don't be surprised when your comments are removed from this site. Remember your ABCs . . . Always Be Courteous!
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Close up of the statues on the front-right corner of the Supreme Court Building in Hartford, Connecticut |